Leavenheath Cricket Club

Leavenheath Cricket Club News story


13 Jan 2025

Good afternoon all

The fixtures for the forthcoming season have been agreed and are now available on the website.

You will be able to download to your phone by clicking on the link and following the instructions.

Tour weekend is in place but the fixtures and venue is still being sorted by Superted - further 

details will follow.

We will also have a T20 League fixtures - which will be in midweek - so the other fixtures are not 

changing. Tris is still waiting to find out more details and the actual fixtures - further details also to follow

It is a packed season this year and special thanks to Dan Common for getting it together early, allowing

players to sort their holidays around the fixtures!

We kick off with an open day and want to welcome everyone past, present and new future players to 

attend. This is on Sunday 13th April. Full details will be sent over in coming weeks.
